GET SOME cd PLAYer Welcome to the wonderful world of GET SOME cd PLAYER It's the last cd player you'll ever need, becuase it meets all your needs... and I do mean all! Table of Contents 0. Installation 1. How to Use this Thing! 2. Registration 3. Bugs 4. Version History 5. Disclaimer 0. Installation. To install GET SOME cd PLAYer, just copy the zip file into a new directory (or an old one), and unzip it. If you don't have pkunzip, get it. You can get it at the same site from which you downloaded GET SOME. 1. How to Use this Thing! The on-line help covers most of the basic usage topics. Basically, you move the arrow around the, uh.. graphic until it turns into a hand. Then you just press the left mouse button to activate whatever function the cursor is over. It's pretty easy to figure out where the play, forward, stop and reverse buttons are. As you click on each button, it momentarily changes to display what function that button has. When you press the play button, it turns into the pause button, until you press stop, at which time it turns back into the play button. There are three additional buttons, the ? button, the Tool button, and the M button. These control on-line help, configuration settings, and your mixer respectively. I didn't write a mixer, you have to put in the command line to your mixer in the configuration section. If you put in a wrong command line, it'll say "Can't find that mixer, buddy" when you press the M button. The configuration button allows you to customize your own sexy messages, and put in the command line for your mixer. The help button displays some on-line help. The two displays on the top right show the number of total tracks, current length (in the first box), the current track and current track length (second box) and the play, stop, or pause status (third box.) 2. Registration. You must register after 30 days of use. Or delete it. (but you're not gonna want to do that!) There are two ways to register this product: Number 1: Send me a dollar and a disk in a self-addressed stamped envelope. I will send you the latest version without the nag screen, and with some more customizable messages. I will also accept CDs or anime stuff if you want to send those. I do need the self-addressed stamped envelope and disk in all cases, however. Number 2: You can become a deluxe user if you send me $50. In that case, I'll give you access to the code for GET SOME. I wrote it in Toolbook, so you'll need Toolbook to make any use of it. In any event, here's the address: Alan J. Laser 323 Stanford Notre Dame, IN 46556 my email address is or you can reach me at I'll hopefully use the money to upgrade my old dying machine, and work on my current project: Truth table and Tableau tree software for logicians. Very exciting stuff. 3. Bugs I've tried to eliminate all the bugs, but if you find out any, let me know. One thing is certain - it dosen't do very well if other cd players are currently running. The error messages in this program are also pretty shitty. It's also not incredibly fast. But what can you do. It only costs a dollar. 4. Version History Why are these always in shareware documentation? Does anyone actually care? This is version 1.00 hahaha 5. Disclaimer. I'm not responsible for any damage this does to your system. It's shareware. Use at your own risk. (the chances of this hurting your system are close to nil. If anything goes wrong with it, it will crash, but that's about all.)